Session Recordings
Order select 2024 session recordings! Order the whole online library or individual sessions. Watch the video, take the quiz, and get CE!
Note, the videos will be yours forever, but CE credit will only be available until April 27, 2025.
Education Sessions
Our nationally renowned speakers will offer a variety of session lengths as lectures, hands-on workshops or small group roundtable sessions.
Dr. David Galler
2025 Keynote Speaker
Friday, April 26
4:00 – 5:00 pm
1.0 Fundamental CEs
“DENTAL BURN-OUT” Understanding & Dealing With Dental Office Stress
So, you went to dental school so that you won’t have stress and long work hours? How’s that working out for you? Dental offices and dentistry is a unique stressor to the mind and body. Come listen to Dr. Galler breakdown every part of the office dysfunction in a comical way, you will be sure to laugh and cry.
Every dentist has fears and insecurities that erode their quality of life and can lead to depression or early death. Dental staff likewise share in this phenomenon, and often can feel overwhelmed or unappreciated. Your eyes will be opened to how all dentist offices face the same challenges and anxiety. The Keynote will explore the inner workings of a dental office and its personnel.
In this laugh-a-thon Dr Galler will review all the crazies idiosyncrasies that dentists have. Bring the whole team and laugh, learn and grow into a dental team that doesn’t let the minutia of daily dental stress get them down. Burn out of dentists and team members is on the rise across the country. Don’t become cynical and start despising work. Recognize the signs. Laugh hard during this course.
Keynote Session sponsored by:
Exhibit Hall Education
Free, open to all education is available in the Exhibit Hall at the Star of the North.
Stay tuned for more information on our 2025 program – the Emerging Speakers Showcase!
Continuing Education Credits
CE for Attending the Conference
All eligible Star of the North attendees will receive 3.0 Elective CEs for attending the conference and visiting the Exhibit Hall, also known as “walking the floor.”
MN Board of Dentistry Requirements
Star of the North will offer fundamental and elective CE hours, including both clinical subjects, as well as fundamental courses in:
- Record Keeping and HIPAA
- Ethics
- Patient Communications
- Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
Verify Your 2024 CE
You can verify your CE credits at the conference when you’re done with your sessions, through our mobile app, or online following the conference.
According to the Minnesota Board of Dentistry rules, it is the responsibility of the individual dental professional to preserve a record of their CE activities. Every attendee who earns CE credits to meet professional development requirements should print a copy of their transcript. Transcripts are available online for up to six months after the meeting (older transcripts can be requested via contacting Eleventh & Gather). File the transcript in your professional development portfolio as proof of your continuing education activities at the Star of the North Meeting.
Tips for Easy Verification
The Star of the North CE Verification system helps you to keep track of your professional development/CE activities at the meeting, but remember these tips! When you register, include the individual state license number of ALL licensed attendees to ensure CE credits are granted for EACH person. Codes are announced at the conclusion of every CE-eligible session. Space will be provided in the onsite program book to record the codes. Partial credit cannot be granted and if you leave a program before the code is announced, you will forfeit any CE credits.
The Minnesota Dental Association is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.
Thank you to our 2025 Star of the North sponsors!
Park Dental
Pine Lake Dental Law & Transitions
Winthrop & Weinstine, P.A.