Planning Your Booth for the Star of the North Exhibit Hall

Star of the North Meeting

Star of the North: April 24–26, 2025

Saint Paul RiverCentre

Exhibitor Resources

Planning Your Booth

Star of the North is committed to making sure the exhibitors have a successful booth in the exhibit hall. That’s why we’ve partnered with Jefferson Davis to develop webinars and content for optimal return on investment.

Exhibitor Webinars

Increase Customers, Sales and Leads

Duration: 49 Minutes

If growing your customer base is your goal, you will not want to miss this all-new webinar with tradeshow master, Jefferson Davis of Competitive Edge. In his rapid-fire, content-rich webinar, you will learn the unique perspectives and strategic practices his clients have used to generate over $800,000,000 in tradeshow results.

Leads Workbook

Increase Brand Awareness & Drive Booth Traffic

Duration: 1 Hour, 5 Minutes

The single biggest factor impacting most exhibitor success is their inability to attract and interact with enough of the right attendees. The competition for attendees’ time and attention in the exhibit hall is fierce. The battle is usually won in the days and weeks leading up to show time. Exhibitors who execute targeted pre- and at-show marketing campaigns put their company “in the mind” and “on the agenda” of the right attendees and usually win the game before kickoff.

Awareness Workbook

Improve Sales Conversions

Duration: 46 Minutes

“If ROI is the name of your exhibiting game, lead management is your playbook,” says leading tradeshow productivity expert, Jefferson Davis. Exhibit Survey’s Tradeshow Trend study reveals an alarming disconnect between exhibitor lead capture and attendee satisfaction with exhibitor follow-up. Failure to effectively manage leads negatively impacts your company’s brand in the marketplace and may be quietly costing your company hundreds of thousands of dollars in unrealized sales revenue. Register for this highly-informative webinar to learn insider secrets and best practices for quickly improving lead quality and follow-up practices to achieve better ROI for your company.

Sales Conversion Workbook

Planning Articles

Goals & Lead-up

The following articles will help you define measurable goals and prepare for your exhibit.

Leads Articles

Capturing & Managing Leads

See how to capture leads and manage them in ways that lead to the most sales results.